uniaxial бат бэх niosh sonic log

Манай uniaxial бат бэх niosh sonic log

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Бат бэх ремикон ХХК / BAT BEKH REMICON LLC - Zangia.mn

Холбоо барих. fb://БАТ БЭХ РЕМИКОН ХХК бетон зуурмагийн үйлдвэр. Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Хан-Уул дүүрэг, Улаанбаатар хот, Хан-Уул дүүрэг 10-р хороо Морин 17130-35тоот Утас: 94100309, 91901060.

Uniaxial Compressive Strength - an overview | ScienceDirect …

The uniaxial compressive strength of a rock under static loading often decreases with an increasing temperature at which the rock has been heat-treated before strength testing. This conclusion is drawn from a great number of experiments [1,2,4,8,9,11,17–19].The higher the temperature is, the lower the strength. Some results for uniaxial compressive strength σ c …

POROSITY LOGGING - University of Kansas

the sonic log to a porosity log generates an apparent porosity trace keyed to one or other matrix mineral, in a similar fashion to the neutron and density logs. Primary and secondary porosity The neutron and density logs are responses to pores of all sizes. However, field observation over many years has shown that the sonic log is a measure of


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(PDF) Correlation of sonic travel time to the uniaxial compressive ...

272 versus the sonic log travel time reading at that depth, but in a few 273 cases they represent the average of a group of UCS readings (2 to 5) 274 plotted versus the sonic log reading at the ...

Sonic log and its applications - SlideShare

Sonic log and its applications. 1. Presented by Badal Dutt Mathur 10410007 5th Year Integrated M.tech Geological Technology. 2. A well log is a continuous record of some property of the formation penetrated by borehole with respect to the borehole depth There are many logs and corresponding logging tools for different objectives Well Log Fig 1. ...

sonic log | Energy Glossary

sonic log. 1. n. [Geophysics] A type of acoustic log that displays traveltime of P-waves versus depth. Sonic logs are typically recorded by pulling a tool on a wireline up the wellbore. The tool emits a sound wave that travels from the source to the formation and back to a receiver. See: acoustic log, P-wave, sonic, traveltime, velocity.

In situ estimation of roof rock strength using sonic logging

sonic velocity logs and drill core were obtained from 16 mines throughout the Australian coal fi elds. The overall correlation equation McNally obtained from least-squares regression was: UCS = 143...


Meskipun demikian, sonic log merupakan metode pendeteksi rekahan paling baik untuk sumur-sumur tua. Walaupun hasil dari dipmeter dan micro-scanner memberikan informasi yang lebih banyak, namun kedua metode ini memakan biaya yang mahal sehingga sonic log lebih sering digunakan untuk identifikasi. 5.2. Prinsip Dasar Sonic Log 5.2.1.

In Situ Estimation of Roof Rock Strength using Sonic …

For the entire data set, the relationship between UCS and sonic travel time is expressed by an exponential equation relating the UCS in psi to the travel time of the P-wave in mu s/ft. The coefficient of determination or R-squared for this equation is 0.72, indicating that a relatively high reliability can be achieved with this technique.

Correlation of Sonic Travel Time to the Uniaxial …

NIOSH-Pittsburgh Research Laboratory . Pittsburgh, PA. ABSTRACT . Sonic travel time logging of exploration boreholes is routinely used in Australia to obtain estimates of coal mine roof rock strength. Because sonic velocity logs are relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain during exploration, the technique has provided

Predicting uniaxial compressive strength from log parameters

Rock mechanical testing of cores provides only discrete data points. This paper presents a method which produces a continuous plot of uniaxial compressive strength. The method is based on correlating standard log parameters with laboratory measured rock strength data.

Бетон болон бетонон бүтээгдэхүүн. Бетоны бат бэхийг шалгаж …

Бетоны бат бэхийг шалгаж үнэлэх зарчим ... Энэ стандартын дагуу хянаж үнэлсэн бетоны бат бэх нь бүтээцийн зураг төсөл зохиох үед бетоны норматив болон тооцооны эсэргүүцлийг хамгийн бага ...

NIOSHTIC-2 Publications Search - 20034274 - Correlation …

The r-squared value for this equation is 0.87, indicating that a strong correlation between sonic travel time and UCS can be achieved with this technique. The paper also addresses the steps that are necessary to ensure that high-quality sonic logs are obtained for …

CDC - Mining - Correlation of Sonic Travel Time to the …

The r-squared value for this equation is 0.87, indicating that a strong correlation between sonic travel time and UCS can be achieved with this technique. The paper also addresses the steps that are necessary to ensure that high-quality …

US6411902B1 - Shale compaction and sonic logs - Google

A method of calculating a theoretical sonic log from an ideal sonic log and resistivity data. The method involves calculating the ideal sonic log assuming a shale sediment and using available data from a well or the surrounding region. Resistivity data is used to correct the ideal sonic log for departures from the shale sediment assumption.


Технические условия" ГОСТ26633-91 стандартаар бетоны бат бэхийн вариацийн итгэлцүүр 13,5%-тай тэнцүү байх үеийн бетоны анги ба маркын хоорондох хамаарал доорх байдалтай тогтоогдсон байна ...

БЭХ - Монгол толь

Эвдэрч хэмхрэхгүй, бат бөх, хэврэг биш; хатуу чанга: бэх болох (бат бөх болох) - Та нар эв эеэ дэлгэрэнгүй... Монголын нууц товчоо., сэтгэлийн бэх (сэтгэлийн бөх, сэтгэлийн хат) - Сэтгэлийн бэх барагддаггүй хэлний үзэг ...

Rock strength from log parameters - PetroWiki

An understanding of rock strength is important for designing recovery plans for a reservoir and for developing an appropriate reservoir simulation.A detailed discussion of rock failure can be found in Rock failure relationships and Compressive strength of rocks.But the data needed for these methods may not be readily available, so there is a desire to use data …

EP1177460A1 - Generating shale sonic log using ... - Google Patents

The calculated theoretical sonic log may then be used to calibrate an experimental log and to replace low confidence segments of the experimental log. The method allows useful information to be derived for wells previously considered uneconomical. EP1177460A1 - Generating shale sonic log using resistivity function - Google Patents ...

Sonic logs - SEG Wiki

A sonic log is an acoustic log that emits sound waves which start at the source, travel through the formation, and return back to the receiver . The travel time from the source to the receiver is called slowness and as a result sonic logs are sometimes referred to as sonic slowness logs. Contents 1 Overview 2 Dipole Shear Sonic Logs

Бетон болон бетонон бүтээгдэхүүн. Бетоны бат бэхийг шалгаж …

Бетон болон бетонон бүтээгдэхүүн. Бетоны бат бэхийг шалгаж үнэлэх зарчим ... Өмнөх. Дараах


The sonic velocity log has been used as an indicator for unconfined uniaxial rock strength (UCS) in many oil fields and underground mines. The relationship between the rock strength and sonic ...

Sonic log - SlideShare

1. SONIC OR ACOUSTIC LOGS. 2. Zubair Kamboh Copy Rights 2012. 3. DEFINITION The sonic log is a porosity log that measures interval transit time (Δt) of compressional sound wave traveling through one foot of formation. 4. UNITS The units are micro seconds/ft, which is the inverse of velocity. 5.

NIOSH - National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

e-Daftar (Online Course Registration) NIOSH Resources Management System. About IHAL. IHAL Services. IHAL Analysis Request Form. Non Regulatory. Regulatory. NIOSH Examination Result Portal. Examination Format/ Guidelines.

In Situ Estimation of Roof Rock Strength using Sonic …

The paper also addresses the steps that are necessary to ensure that high-quality sonic logs are obtained for use in estimating UCS. 1. Introduction Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is perhaps the material property that is most frequently quoted in rock engineering (Hoek, 1977).

Барилга угсралт, засварын ажлын явцад зайлшгүй шалгаж, …

Бетоны бат бэх нь төслийн шаардлагыг хир хангаж буй байдал; Геометр хэмжээс нь ажлын зурагтайгаа нийцэж буй байдал; Дүүргэгчийн чанар …


Монцемент - Бат бэх хөгжлийн суурь. Намайг сана. Нэвтрэх


The test results of experiments performed for uniaxial compressive strength point load index and sonic velocity on dolerite samples revealed that UCS of dolerite varied from 31.27 to 388.74 MPa with an average value of 189.61 MPa. The average values of point load index and sonic velocity were found to be 0.91 MPa and 7.33 km/s.

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