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Манай Хятад дахь колката үйлдвэрүүд amezcua bio disc

All you need to know about Amezcua Bio Disc 3 - Ufahamu Wa …

The Amezcua Bio Disc 3's masterful geometry design is derived from science that uses the energy principles of form and order to objectively balance the energy in biological systems and integrate their interactions with the environment. Different shapes create different energetic effects. The Bio Disc 3's design positively affects the ...

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Amezcua Bio Disc Price, 2022 Amezcua Bio Disc Price ... - Made …

Type the keywords you're interested in such as Amezcua Bio Disc Price and make direct contact with any desirable suppliers / manufacturers / wholesalers for more important details or find similar choices that are pulse oximeter, cheap blood pressure monitor, discount oximeter. You could also discover the latest health, medical and ...

Amazon: Customer reviews: Bio Disc 2

This item is one of the greatest scalar energy stuff I have ever used but the only problem when I tried to buy my own I got ripped off by Amazon seller : buysmartdeals he sent me a piece of glass looks the same, have the box, have the tags, but I knew it was fake too soon when he exposed himself sending me Bio Disc 1 when I payed for Bio Disc 2 and after I tested it then …

The Difference Between The Amezcua Bio Disc and Bio Disc 2

The Amezcua Bio Disc 2 also has a greatly enhanced the energy field attributed to the seven wave-form rings on the disc's surface. The seven ribbed rings speed up the bio-molecular structure process of liquids poured over the disc, improving the bio-compatibility of water molecules with your body more than ever before. The liquids are energized ...

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 Harmonises Energy of Drinking Water

World renowned professor, Dr Konstantin Korotkov was at QI Tower recently to provide a scientific understanding on QNET's Wellness product – Amezcua Bio Disc 3. Prof Dr Konstantin is the Deputy Director of Saint-Petersburg Federal Research Institute of Physical Culture and a member of QNET's Scientific Advisory Board.He has conducted studies and …

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 - qnet.hk

Each Amezcua Bio Disc 3 comes with a high-quality silicone rubber shield to protect it during everyday use. Combined with the disc's high durability and impact resistance, this Amezcua accessory reduces the risk of potential breakages or damage without affecting the energy properties of the disc. Shipping : HKD 25.00. Pickup : HKD 0.00.

All you need to know about Amezcua Bio Disc 3 - Ufahamu Wa QNET

The Amezcua Bio Disc 3's masterful geometry design is derived from science that uses the energy principles of form and order to objectively balance the energy in biological systems and integrate their interactions with the environment. Different shapes create different energetic effects. The Bio Disc 3's design positively affects the ...

What is the truth behind biodisc? | Naked Science Forum

Leave the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc in your refrigerator to improve the shelf life of your groceries, as the positive energy from the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc transfers to your fruit and vegetables, ensuring longer-lasting freshness. [] « Last Edit: 12/03/2011 15:21:53 by RD » Logged raghusesha (OP) Jr. Member ...

Amezcua Bio Disc

The Amezcua Bio Disc is able to make your water more hydratious, harmonise your energy levels, and generally increase the advantages of drinking H 2 0. The process is simple and seamlessly joins your usual routine; simply place your glass or cup on the disc, or place the disc on top of your drink, and then consume your water as normal. Think of ...

QNET Products | Mr Pathman Introduces Amezcua Bio Disc 3 ... - YouTube

Bio Disc 3 Today, representing the evolution of wellness, the Amezcua Bio Disc 3 employs a groundbreaking technology that applies a propr...

Energy - QNET - global direct selling company

PROGNOS machine tests show that the Amezcua Bio Disc, Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc, Amezcua Chi Pendant, Amezcua Energy Shell, and Amezcua Straw Tube all possess a positive energy field. Test results also showed that after drinking water treated with these products or when wearing the Amezcua Chi Pendant, the user's energy levels were increased ...

Energy - QNET - global direct selling company

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 The Evolution of Wellness. In 2006, the Amezcua Bio Disc heralded a revolution in redefining and harmonising the energy of water, maximising its positive effect on the human body. Over the years that followed, numerous independent scientific tests verified the Bio Disc's ability to positively harmonise energy, while ...

Benefits - Biodisc Energy

Amezcua Bio Disc is is a nanno technology engineered product of this century used for improving fitness and wellness of human being. But in fact, in its daily uses by people around the globe, bio disc can assist to cure various diseases and illness. 1.BENEFITS OF AMEZCUA BIO DISC: Stop jetlag for long distance flights; Improves sleep quality

Bio Disc3 - Amezcua

НОВОЕ ПОКОЛЕНИЕ. Amezcua Bio Disc 3 – это новое слово в биоэнергетике для гармонизации энергии питьевой воды и человеческого тела. Bio Disc 3 способен снижать поверхностное натяжение жидкости, что в ...

Amezcua Bio Disc Price, 2022 Amezcua Bio Disc Price ... - Made-in …

Type the keywords you're interested in such as Amezcua Bio Disc Price and make direct contact with any desirable suppliers / manufacturers / wholesalers for more important details or find similar choices that are pulse oximeter, cheap blood pressure monitor, discount oximeter. You could also discover the latest health, medical and ...

Bio-Disc 2 (QNET) - Home - Facebook

One of the most Amazing HEALTH CARE & WELLNESS PRODUCT I have come across...Bio-Disc 2 is a product I would like to Recommend to you friends.Write on …. When the Amezcua Bio Disc was introduced to the world in 2006, it heralded a revolution in the way we were able to redefine and harmonise the energy o …. 1,049 people like this.

Amazon: Bio Disc 2 : Everything Else

Feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Drink water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc 2 to increase your harmony and energy levels. Facilitate transfer of nutrients and enhance the biocompatibility of water to get more out of your water. Decrease energy imbalances and redistribute pooled energy in your body.

Amezcua Bio Disc 2 - Qnet

The Amezcua Bio Disc 2 has a higher resistance to heat and impact, which allows it to retain good physical strength properties even after prolonged exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions. The durability, longevity and usability have been greatly enhanced from that of its predecessor. Bio Disc Shield.

What Is Amezcua Bio Disc? - Answers

The Amezcua site describes it as: "The Amezcua Bio Disc is a round, glass disc that, upon first glance, looks like nothing special. In fact, it's only 9 …

How To Use Amezcua Bio Disc 3 To Improve Our Well-Being

Put the Amezcua Bio Disc 3 in your refrigerator to boost the quality and taste of your food and water. Place your drink on top of the Amezcua Bio Disc 3 to energise it. Carry the Amezcua Bio Disc 3 with you to improve your harmony and energy levels. Wash your fruit and vegetables with water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc 3 to energise them ...

Biodisc Energy – Biodisc 2

Amezcua Bio Disc 2: The Bio Disc 2 is a natural energy generating device that produces SCALAR energy frequencies that have no negative side effects. The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life.

Amezcua Bio Disc Price-China Amezcua Bio Disc Price ... - Made …

Low Price Amezcua Bio Disc Energy Alpha Spin for 3000cc. US $ 7.5-10 / Piece FOB. MOQ: 20 Pieces. Main Products. Guangzhou Kemiya Nano-Tech Co., Ltd. Manufacturer/Factory. Guangdong, China. Chat Now Send Inquiry.

AMEZCUA BIO DISC 3 - QNET Direct Selling Company

The Amezcua Bio Disc 3's masterful geometry design is derived from a science that uses the energy principles of form and order to objectively balance the energy in biological systems and integrate their interactions with the environment. Different shapes create different energetic effects. The Bio Disc 3's design positively affects the ...

Is the Amezcua Bio Disc really effective? - Quora

Answer: Not been proven to be effective. "Harmonizing Energy"? Not a scientific term, no scientific links of the site, just lots of sales talk. But as you know the placebo effect is very strong, up to 60%, so the fact that someone testified that it …


Amezcua Bio Disc 3 The Evolution of Wellness In 2006, the Amezcua Bio Disc heralded a revolution in redefining and harmonising the energy of water, maximising its positive effect on the human body. Over the years that followed, numerous independent scientific tests verified the Bio Disc's ability to positively harmonise energy, while millions of satisfied […]

Bio Disc 3 - QNET

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 combines the principles of Quantum Energy and Geometry, to help you achieve inner balance as you juggle between your daily activities at work and in your personal life. It is made from a special combination of granulated crystals, energised using a proprietary process. WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE TO SAY BD3 Testimonial 2019 Zufata


Amezcua Bio Disc (Water Re-Defined) Amezcua Bio Disc is made of 13 technically engineered natural minerals which have been structurally bonded in glass, at molecular level, using high heat fusion methods. Through this combination of minerals and fusion techniques, a positive energy field is created via bio resonance which can be transferred to ...

Health And Wellness Products | Amezcua

Amezcua offers internationally sought-after and revolutionary wellness products, such as the Amezcua Bio Disc 2, and the everyday e-smog protector Amezcua Chi Pendant 2 and the Amezcua E-Guard. With a focus on boosting the natural properties of water as well as the human body's energy systems, Amezcua products are vital companions to those ...

Bio Disc - España

El BIO DISC energiza y da vida al agua y también a las frutas, plantas, y a nuestro cuerpo llevándolo junto a nosotros. El principio científico del BIO DISC es una BASE DE SILICA + CRISTAL PURO, ENCERRANDO 13 MINERALES, dispuesto de manera que provoca la misma estructura molecular del agua pura. (Agua en su estado primigenio).

Bio Disc 3 - QNet

BIO DISC SHIELD. Each Amezcua Bio Disc 3 comes with a high-quality silicone rubber shield to protect it during everyday use. Combined with the disc's high durability and impact resistance, this Amezcua accessory reduces the risk of potential breakages or damage without affecting the energy properties of the disc.

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